Tributes, celebrations and legacies
Tribute funds
A tribute fund is a special way in which to remember a loved one. Many people feel that flowers at a funeral are too transient, and that helping a charity is a more lasting memorial. We can provide you with People Matters leaflets to hand out either at or before your occasion and can acknowledge your generous support in our newsletter. Contact us at if you would like us to send you leaflets or any more information.
You can also set up a webpage to remember someone special and celebrate their life.
Mark a special occasion by asking for donations to People Matters in place of gifts. If we feel we have everything we need, it’s great to think that instead of gathering more possessions we can help young people and adults with disabilities to enjoy life like everyone else.
For example, it’s a good way to celebrate a big birthday, the birth of a child, a marriage, a wedding anniversary, or retirement. We can send you leaflets and People Matters collecting boxes designed by one of our members for your occasion, and you can make a celebration fundraising page here.
If you would like to make a gift in memory of someone, you can do so in any of the following ways:
Donate in memory
By post: download the donation form and send the completed form with a cheque made payable to People Matters (West Yorkshire) at: People Matters 68A Barkston House, Croydon St, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS11 9RT. You can also download a PM Donations form print
By phone: call us on 0113 2346896 with your credit card or debit card. If a member of staff who is trained to accept donations is not available or we can’t answer your call at the time, please leave a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
We rely on donations and legacies to be able to support young people and adults with learning disabilities including autistic people. By remembering People Matters in your Will, you are helping to ensure that People Matters can continue its work helping disabled young people and adults through whatever need they have. We promise that your gift, however large or small, will be spent wisely and make a genuine difference to people’s lives.
One couple told us why they are leaving a legacy to People Matters:
We aren’t in a position to make financial donations during our lifetime, but we are very pleased to know that through our will we can make a lasting legacy to help ensure the continuation of People Matters’ work. We were rewriting our wills due to illness but found out that it could also be very simple to add a codicil to our old will listing some of our artwork that we would like to be sold to make a donation to People Matters. Knowing that we could be helping to give disabled people support when experiencing illness within our own family feels like one of the best things we can do.
People Matters, as a registered charity, can receive:
- Pecuniary Legacies (a defined sum of money)
- Specific Legacies (such as special possessions or property)
- Residuary Legacies (a proportion of the remainder of an estate after all debts, costs and specific legacies have been paid)
People Matters is not able to give legal advice: we recommend that you consult a solicitor in making or amending your will. You will need to instruct them with your wishes, our name People Matters (West Yorkshire), charity number 1170724 and address (People Matters, 68A Barkston House, Croydon Street, Leeds LS11 9RT). The links below provide details of people who can help you.
Law Society
Institute of Professional Will Writers
If you do decide to leave a gift to People Matters, we would be very pleased to hear from you so we can thank you, keep you informed of our work and ensure that your wishes are carried out accurately. Please email us at or call us on 0113 2346896.
People Matters Leeds
41 Barkston House, Croydon Street, Holbeck, Leeds, LS11 9RT
Phone: 0113 2346896
Charitable incorporated organisation reg no: 1170724
CQC Registered No 1- 3997439113
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