Support us
People Matters is only successful because of its fabulous members, awesome staff and amazing volunteers working together to enable increased independence and inclusion. There are many ways in which you could support us. Whether it’s a one-off donation, setting up a regular contribution, or organising a fundraising or sponsored event, you can find out how to do it by scrolling down this page. If you give us any personal information, you can be sure that we take your privacy very seriously: our Privacy Policy sets out how we look after your information. If you’d like us to keep you informed about our work, sign up for our regular newsletters
You can donate through one of the following platforms by clicking the logos:
By Post
Please download the donations form PM Donations form and send the completed form with a cheque made payable to People Matters (West Yorkshire) at:
People Matters
68A Barkston House, Croydon Street
Leeds LS119RT
There is also a PM Donations form print if you wish to complete it by hand.

By phone
Please call us on 0113 2346896 if you would like to make a donation from your credit or debit card. If a member of staff who is trained to accept donations is not available or we can’t answer your call at the time, please leave a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
By CAF Charity Account
Click here to donate via the Charities Aid Foundation donation system. You will need to do a search for People Matters (West Yorkshire).
Payroll Giving
Donations to People Matters (West Yorkshire) made through Payroll Giving are taken from your salary before tax. For example, every £10 you give will only actually cost you £8 (at the standard 20% tax rate); the taxman pays the balance. If you pay higher rate tax at 40%, the actual cost of a £10 donation is only £6.
You can use Payroll Giving provided you are an employee and your employer operates a Payroll Giving scheme. If they don’t, you could ask if they would be willing to start one.
If you have decided to give through Payroll Giving, you can download and print the Payroll giving form your employer has. Complete the payroll giving form and give it to your employer to authorise them to deduct your donation from your regular pay. Please make sure you use our full name People Matters (West Yorkshire) and also send a copy of your completed form to People Matters, 68A Barkston House, Croydon St, Leeds LS11 9RT. Our charity number is 1170724.
Click here for more information about Payroll Giving.

We are currently looking for corporate partners to support us. This can be done in a number of ways, such as by working with us for a day with your team, individuals sharing their skills with our team and members, raising much needed funds for us or becoming our corporate partner of the year. If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact us at and look at our companies section
Volunteering is really vital for us as an organisation so that we can keep providing the best support and opportunities for our members. Volunteers support us in many different areas, from volunteering in group activities to helping at events. We particularly need volunteers to do fundraising activities for us. For more information and ideas on fundraising, please see the Fundraise for People Matters section on this page. For more information on other volunteering roles, please see the Volunteering page.
People Matters Leeds
41 Barkston House, Croydon Street, Holbeck, Leeds, LS11 9RT
Phone: 0113 2346896
Charitable incorporated organisation reg no: 1170724
CQC Registered No 1- 3997439113
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