Trustees and governance

The trustees of People Matters are responsible for setting the strategic direction of the organisation, making sure these meet its charitable objectives and monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of its operations. They also monitor financial controls to ensure future strength so People Matters can continue to deliver its services. All trustees are non-executives and their role is voluntary. The board meets approx every 6 weeks. They hold an annual general meeting which is open to all our members, have annual accounts completed and submit these to Charities Commission.

The board recently agreed a new strategy for the organisation. For more on this look at our Strategy Summary 2022

Martin Dean – Chair of Trustees

Hi, I am Martin Dean. I have lived and worked in Leeds since 1982, and recently retired from my full time role as a Senior Manager in the Leeds City Council Communities team.

Since retiring I have worked in a food bank, made a podcast, and coordinate the third sector part of Healthy Holidays with Leeds Community Foundation.

Away from work I enjoy watching cricket at Yorkshire and follow England, home and away. I support Leeds Rhinos and Leeds United, and enjoy the wider culture which Leeds offers.



Rebecca Ellis 

I have worked in music and specialist education in Yorkshire, and within a Local Authority Special Education Needs (SEN) team in Liverpool. My last role was as a senior leader for SEN in a South Leeds primary school, and I am currently Director of a small national charity who help children and young people with additional needs and/or life-limiting illness through the power of music.

Jonathan Cravitz – trustee. My name is Jonathan I have been involved with People Matters since 2013 . I am the first trustee  to come from community Support Service area.  I work at British Library; processing all incoming Legal Deposit material as a Serial Accession. I also work at autism Plus I have delivered training to  the staff  of Job Centre Plus Leeds,Leeds Art College, Barnsley College and social workers in Barnsley  about what it like to have autism.I do a 30 minute presentation to group of up to 25 people. I also assist the main trainer with the rest of the training.

In my spare time I watch Leeds  United and Leeds Rhinos on a regular basis.  I am also on the Committee for the members of Leeds Asperger Adult and   Leeds Autism. I was diagnosed late in life that I had Asperger Syndrome and I am trying to make a real difference to people who have hidden disabilities.

Kate Masters

I trained as a Chartered Accountant in Leeds and have lived in Leeds ever since. I have held senior roles in finance, general management and project management with the majority of my career being with organisations involved in the development of new pharmaceutical products. I am a volunteer management consultant with the Cranfield Trust where I have supported charities on a range of projects on strategy, business planning, financial systems/processes and costing/pricing. I enjoy walking and being in the countryside.

Georgina Turner – trustee – I have over 15 years of experience in the Social Care and Health sectors; which started working with GP practices before moving into social care where I was involved in workforce development projects funded by the European Social Fund.

I am currently the Programme Head for Employer Engagement at Skills for Care, where I lead a great team- responsible for workforce and innovation grant investment, engagement with national providers and registered managers, information services and membership. I also Chair the PA Framework steering group and oversee the delivery of this national programme; aimed at empowering individuals to directly employ and manage their own care and support staff. 

I am experienced in programme, project and financial management and have a BSc in Psychology and a Masters in Business Administration.

Clare Hirschhorn – trustee

Maisie Hirschhorn – trustee

Hi I’m Maisie! I’m 30 yrs. old, I work for Mencap 2 days a week (Tuesday and Thursdays) as a community connector. I also volunteer in a cafe on a Monday called Bracken wood. I live at home with my mum, step dad, sister, brother, and the dog Rizzo. I have such a good social life: I like to go to concerts, gigs, plays, social groups, volunteering, walking the dog, and going for food or drinks with friends and family.

I work for people matters board of trustees and work with some very nice and friendly people, I am also a treasurer for Connect in the North.

Max Elgot – Trustee

I have been working in the third sector for nearly 5 years now and specialise in fundraising. I was head of fundraising at Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) for two years and am currently the Community Fundraising Manager at The Passage, London’s largest street homelessness charity. I was born and went to school in Leeds and have been a Leeds United season ticket holder since I was 4 and a follower of Yorkshire CCC and Leeds Rhinos. I am passionate about supporting our brilliant city and community and helping small charities have a big impact.

Ian Boyd – Trustee

Hello, I’m Ian, I joined People Matters as a trustee in December 2023, and hopefully, my many years of IT experience will improve our services for clients, volunteers, and staff. Originally from Belfast, I have lived in Leeds for 20 years and am married with two teenage kids. Until recently I worked for 15 years for the NHS delivering national IT programmes, including integrating care homes and adult social care into the NHS. I currently work for a London-based charity, the Health Foundation, transforming and modernising their IT services. When not working, I can usually be found sailing dinghies in the Dales. 

Elissa Matley – CEO

My name is Elissa Matley, I have worked at PM since Sept 2014. My current role is Chief Executive Officer, so I oversee all service delivery in the organisation.

My background is from another health and social care organisation managing large outreach and supported living services. Whist there I specialised in setting up services for complex individuals.

I joined PM as we share the same values about delivering a person centred and holistic service to all members. I am keen for all the services we deliver to grow whilst maintaining the family feel.

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